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Taliesin Ascendant (The Children and The Blood #2) - Megan Joel Peterson Original Review posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts

Note: Formatting is lost due to copy and paste.

Disclaimer: The author provided a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. The review is not influenced in any way.

Well, I can definitely say I'm a big fan of Megan Joel Peterson's editing skills because I can go focus on the book more rather than complaining about edits (definitely a bonus).

Anyhoo, Taliesin Ascendant is Book Two in the series, The Children and the Blood, with the previous title being the exact same as the series name, so I suppose I don't need to say it twice without sounding like a robot.

But then again, no one actually knows that I sound like a robot when writing or if I'm being serious or whatever tone I intended to write in.

So here are a few things you should know about Taliesin Ascendant, aside from the very obvious:

~ Starts off straight from where The Children and the Blood ended. In other words, we get a few answers from the lovely little cliffhanger that we all love/hate at the same time (I don't about you guys, but I'm just both). I would highly recommend you don't decide to jump into book two without reading book one first, though I'm pretty sure no one does that anymore these days...
Although... I still have no clue what Bartlow did. I might have a slight idea now, but maybe I'm just a naïve little duckling, it's right in front of my face and it hasn't clicked yet. It probably won't until later in the far future. Of course, that might just result in a facepalm if it's that obvious.

~ A lot of new characters, though a few old ones do return. I do miss some of the old ones though... but they're pretty much in “space.” (Yes, there's a hidden meaning in the word). And most of the ones that do return are more mature than when we last saw them, particularly the main characters (Ashe, Lily, Cole, Harris – I think that's all of them but there might be more).

~ More action packed than its predecessor (sweeeeet).

~ I loved the ending before the epilogue this time... though the epilogue doesn't have one this time. It's a nice feeling of Taliesin Ascendant ending on a satisfactory ending where the reader doesn't just scream in frustration because you have to wait for the next book to come out. Not that I would scream. I would only scream if a nasty, icky, yucky, repulsive spider (or bug) decides to come crawling... *shudders* Ew.

Yeah, I think I'm going to stop talking now.